Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Factory: The 5T-1O "FiveTen"

Due to the rising tension between the city-state of New Thermopylae and its citizens, police forces all across the planet of Oberron began adopting the 5T-1O "FiveTen."

This guy was really fun to build for a variety of reasons, but first let's talk about the things I pulled from other frames. First, the leg design is inspired (If not stolen lol) from SKRoberto. The body is, of course, essentially one of Soren's Chub bodies, so that's not too crazy.

As you can see from this back shot, the ankles are highly articulated, the elbows, shoulders, and even knees can move. This makes for decent pose-ability, and I'm quite happy with his nightstick weapon. The pistol design might get used more by me in the future, too.

Overall I'm quite happy with how this came out. The police theme came up quite early in the design process, and I'm glad it doesn't look like an afterthought.

Here's a broken down back shot, you can see the ankles better, and the gun arm is pretty straightforward. The head is also pretty basic, but it's the first really stylized head I've done. Using the chub body made for a reasonably versatile base for the arms, and using a travis brick as the shoulder piece let me bulk up and decorate them.

As always, the files are on My baseplate on bricklink.

Thanks for checking this out!
